Amboise is very popular with tourists which is not surprising when you see the Main Street leading up to the Royal Castle. Amboise est très populaire parmi les touristes. Ce n’est pas étonnant lorsqu’on voit la rue principale qui mène au château royal.
Tag Archives: Amboise Castle
Capital Faces – Visage de chapiteaux
These are just some of the faces on the capitals lining the horse ramp in Amboise Castle. Any suggestions for naming them? Voici quelques-uns des visages sur les chapiteaux qui longent la rampe à cheval au château d’Amboise. Avez-vous des suggestions pour leur donner un nom ?
Rooftops of Amboise – Toits d'Amboise
Most of the photos I take of Amboise are from l’ïle d’Or looking across at the castle. This one is taken from the other side of the Loire and shows the castle from the back. In the foreground you can see a troglodyte house. Presque toutes mes photos d’Amboise sont prises depuis l’Ile d’Or en …
The Cat and the Castle – Le chat et le château
When we arrived at our monthly Loire Connexion anglophile get-together Ile d’Or at in Amboise last night, the light was extraordinary. And just as I was about to take a photo of the castle, this cat ran past along the wall in front of me! Lorsque nous sommes arrivés à la soirée mensuelle d’angophiles de la Loire …
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Royal lily-of-the-valley – Muguet royal
It’s the tradition in France to give lily-of-the-valley on May 1st for good luck, especially to your loved ones. And if you find a sprig with 13 little bells, you’ll have extra luck. You can find it on practically every street corner, mainly sold by charities and similar associations. And because it’s Labour Day, it’s …
Amboise at Dusk – Amboise au crépuscule
The view of Amboise from Ile d’Or island opposite the castle is always beautiful no matter what time of year it is or what the weather is like. Quelque soit l’époque de l’année ou le temps la vue d’Amboise depuis l’île d’or en face du château est toujours belle. .
Amboise through the Mist – Amboise opaque
We’ve been having some very pleasant spring weather recently, but today it was cold and overcast again. As we drove from Tours to Blois, Amboise Castle loomed out of the mist. On a eu plusieurs belles journées de printemps récemment mais aujourd’hui il faisait froid et le ciel était plombé de nouveau. Sur la route …
Continue reading “Amboise through the Mist – Amboise opaque”