The Royal Hexagon – L'hexagone royal

The Royal Castle of Blois has so many different parts to it that this hexagon and compass rose, in the middle of court of honour is certainly not superfluous. Clockwise from left bottom: TERRACE – Panorama and tower 13th century; GASTON D’ORLEANS 17th century; FRANCOIS I 16th century; STATE ROOM 13th century; LOUIS XII late 15th century; CHAPEL late 15th …

Sun After the Rain – Soleil après la pluie

This is the Louis XII wing of Blois Castle with its gothic forms, built for the king and Anne de Bretagne. You can see Louis XII’s equestrian statut. He reigned from 1498 to 1515. Voici l’aile Louis XII du château de Blois avec ses formes gothiques, construite pour le roi et Anne de Bretagne, On voit le statut …

Crowns and Shells – Couronnes et Coquilles

This beautiful freize with F for François I beneath a crown above a row of scallop shells underneath is on the Renaissance wing of Blois Castle. Cette belle frise avec le F de François Ier surmontée d’une couronne au-dessus d’une rangée de coquilles saint jacques se trouve sur l’aile Renaissance de château de Blois.

The Royal Rain Spout – La descente pluviale royale

This amusing rain spout is one of many on the façade of the 16th century Louis XII wing of Blois Castle. Cette descente pluviale amusante est l”une parmi plusieurs sur la façade de l’aile Louis XII du château de Blois construite au 16ème siècle.  

Mullion Window & Porcupine – Fenêtre à meneau & porc épic

This beautiful mullion window is on the south-east façade of Blois Castle. On the right is the porcupine which, you may remember is the symbol of King Louis XII, born in the castle in 1462. His motto was “Qui s’y frotte s’y pique” which is a play on words: se frotter means both literally to rub up against …

The Studiolo – Le studiolo

Known as the Queen’s Cabinet but in reality François I‘s studiolo (study) designed for king when the castle was built. The original sculpted  woodwork with its painted gilt candelebra makes it the only royal cabinet from the Renaissance to have survived in France. Le cabinet dit de la Reine, est en réalité le cabinet ou studiolo (lieu …

Flamboyant brick – Brique flamboyante

Built of brick and stone between 1498 and 1501, the Louis XII wing of Blois Castle is in the Gothic Flamboyant style combining elements of northern influence with ornaments of Italian origin. Construite en brique et pierre entre 1498 et 1501, l’aile Louis XII du château de Blois est marquée par le style gothique flamboyant …