Zest of Jazz – Z'est jazz

An impromptu jazz band in our local square, Louis XII – the sort of band that makes you wish you could play with them. For other contributions to the City Daily Photo theme day – zest! – click here. Un orchestre de jazz impromptu sur notre place locale, Louis XII: le type d’orchestre qui vous …

Macarons before the others – Macarons avant les autres

The French expression for “best before” is “à consommer de préférence avant le” plus the date. This box, bought at Feuillette in Saint-Gervais-la-forêt near Blois, says “Best before the others [eat them]! Guesss which flavours. Macarons achetés chez Feuillette à Saint-Gervais-la-forêt!  Dévinez les parfums.  

The Broken iPhone – L'iPhone cassé

Now I bet you’re thinking that the title is a mistake. Well, it isnt. We were taking a stroll in the twilight and saw this beautifully restored pigeon house behind a wrought-iron gate. To get a better photo, I slid my iPhone behind the bars and – you guessed it – it somehow slipped out …

Bread Day in Les Grouets – Fête du Pain aux Grouets

The fête du pain or bread festival takes places in France every year on the feast of Saint Honoré, patron saint of bakers.  Norbert Gourget, who has his own bread oven in our neighbourhood, Les Grouets, turns into a baker once a year for the local association Les Amis des Grouets to bake bread, brioche …

Our Local Biscuits – Sablés du quartier

As we were walking through the market in Blois, a green bicycle with “Les Grouets” on it caught my eye. “Les Grouets” is the name of our neighbourhood in Blois. We soon started talking with an enterprising pastry cook who makes and sells delicious shortbread biscuits. Now we buy a packet every time we go. …

The Spotless Secondhand Shop – La brocante nickel

Most, if not all, of the secondhand shops I’ve been into are untidy and full of dust – it’s part of the charm – but this one  in Blois is always spotless. Quasiment toutes les brocantes que j’ai visité sont en désordre et pleines de poussière – cela fait partie de leur charme – mais …

Tandem Tricycle – Tricycle tandem

Isn’t this Victorian tandem tricycle made in Coventry and now in the vehicle museum at Château de Villesavin just too cool? Who wants to try it out? C’est trop cool ce tricycle tandem de l’époque victorienne made in Coventry et désormais dans le musée de voitures au château de Villesavin. Qui veut l’essayer avec moi? …