Salamander and Ermine – Salamandre et ermine

This is another of the magnificent painted fireplaces in Blois Castle in the King’s Room, with François I’s salamander on the left and the ermine of his wife, Claude de France, on the right. Voici une autre cheminées peinte magnifique qui se trouve au château de Blois dans la Salle du roi avec le salamandre …

The Cobwebby Bell – Cloche aux toiles d'araignées

This is the bell in the tower next to the private chapel at Château de Montpoupon. It is not a criticism. We constantly battle with cobwebs in Closerie Falaiseau – and this one is pretty hard to get at. Voici la cloche dans la tour à côté de la chapelle privée au château de Montpoupon. …

Spring Snowball – Boule de neige du printemps

We may not have had snow during the winter, but our beautiful Viburnum opulus Roseum makes up for it. I understand why it’s also called snowball and Whitsuntide boss, but why red snowball tree and rose elder? Nous n’avons pas eu de neige cet hiver mais notre beau viorne ou Viburnum opulus Roseum est une …

The White Façade of Château de Cheverny – La façade blanche du château de Cheverny

The dazzling white of the southern façade of Château de Cheverny is due to the use of Bourré tufa stone which comes from the village of Bourrée in Loire et Cher, and has the particularity of getting white and harder as it gets older. La blancheur éclatante de la façade sud du château de Cheverny est …

Monument to tufa – Monument au tuffeau

This monument to tufa, the iconic stone of the Loire Valley, was erected by the owner of a stone quarry in Turquant on the Loire River and shows the tools used by the workers, or perreyeux, to quarry and work the stone. Until the beginning of the 20th century, using picks, wedges and mallets, they worked …