This little forgotten corner is in the old quarter of Blois below the cathedral. Ce petit coin oublié se trouve dans le quartier ancien de Blois en bas de la cathédrale.
Tag Archives: Blois Daily Photo
Lovers' Totem – Le totem des amoureux
This totally unexpected Lovers’ Totem is in the middle of Blois State Forest. Ce totem des amoureux totalement inattendu se trouve en plein milieu de la forêt domaniale de Blois. .
Winter Sunset at Saint Dyé – Coucher de soleil hivernal à Saint Dyé
Even in winter, Saint Dyé is still a favourite place to walk along the Loire. Même en hiver, Saint Dyé reste un lieu préféré de promenade le long de la Loire.
CBD theme day – Looking Out the Castle Window
Looking out the window of Blois Royal Castle. The porcupine is the symbol of King Louis XII, born in the castle in 1462. His motto was “Qui s’y frotte s’y pique” which is a play on words: se frotter means both literally to rub up against something and metaphorically to cross swords with them; se …
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Double spiral staircase in Chambord – Escalier double révolution à Chambord
This magnificent most famous staircase is believed to have been designed for François I by Leonardo da Vinci. It consists of two spirals which cross over each other and lead up to the roof terrace. The double ramp supported by eight square pillars seems to be a single ramp yet the two ramps never cross. …
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Horse and Buggy – Voiture à cheval
This pretty little buggy passed us on the path parallel to the Loire between Les Grouets and Chouzy that we cycle along in the summer. I felt as though I was in a Victorian novel. Cette belle voiture emprunte le chemin parallèle à la Loire entre les Grouets et Chouzy qui nous sert de piste …
Meagre Mushroom Pickings – Récolte maigre de champignons
At the end of November, mushrooms are rare: a few boletus aureus, some other boletes, a couple of parasols and some ramaria formosa. A la fin du mois de novembre, il y a presque plus de champignons : quelques têtes de nègres, quelques bolets, des coulemelles et un peu de ramaria formosa.
Boar sighting in Blois – Sanglier vu à Blois
We were taking a walk in Les Grouets when we sighted this boar head on a garage. The sign beneath says “Le Petit Vautrait”. A “vautrait” is a pack of hounds for wild boar hunting. We’re just next door to Sologne, the former hunting ground of François I. C’est en se promenant dans le quartier …
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B & N door – Porte B & N
I wonder who the B & N are whose initials have remained on this old door in the historical (and not very renovated) quarter of Blois. Many cars and carriages must have worn down these paving stones over the years. On se demande bien qui sont B & N dont les initiales se trouvent sur …
Renaissance Balconies – Balcons Renaissance
These balconies are at the top of the main staircase of the François I wing of Blois Castle. They enabled the courtiers to see the king coming up the staircase and to contemplate the festivities organised in the Court of Honour below. As usual, there are several salamanders. Ces balcons couronnent le grand escalier …
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