In France, the sapeurs-pompiers come to the rescue if someone takes ill in a public place, for example. Call 18 for help.
Tag Archives: Blois Daily Photo
Rusted metal anyone? Qui veut du fer rouillé ?
This unlikely collection was for sale at the monthly second-hand market, with a few autumn leaves thrown in for good measure. Cette collection disparate était à vendre à la brocante mensuelle avec quelques feuilles d’automne en plus pour faire bonne mesure.
Museum of the Resistance – Musée de la Résistance
Like many French towns, Blois suffered during the Second World War. The Loir-et-Cher Museum of the Resistance, Deportation and LIberation, founded in 1995 at the initiative of former prisoners in concentration camps and Resistance fighters in the Loir-et-Cher, is a forceful reminder of what happened during World War II. This post is part of Theme Thursdayon …
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Tour du Foix
The round Tour du Foix, near the Gaston d’Orléans wing of Blois Castle, is a vestige of the 13th century feudal fortifications and offers a panorama of the city of Blois, the Loire River and the church of Saint Nicolas. In the middle ages, the tower defended the south-west corner of the castle and the …
Floor tiles and autumn leaves in the King's Oratory – Pavés et feuilles d'automne dans l'oratoire du roi
A few autumn leaves on the floor tiles of the king’s oratory built in 1498,which is at the end of the Louis XII wing of Blois Royal Castle. Quelques feuilles d’automne sur les pavés de l’oratoire du roi construit en 1498 qui se trouve au bout de l’aile Louis XII du château royal de Blois.
The Teaset – La dînette
This little girl is playing teasets with antique cups and saucers from her mother’s stall at the second fair in Blois. Cette petite fille joue à la dînette avec des tasses et soucoupes anciennes que vend sa maman à la brocante de Blois.
The Owl and the Foot – Le Hibou et le pied
This owl is at the foot of reclining statue in the lapidary section of Blois Castle but that is all I know. Ce hibou se trouve au pied d’un homme couché sur le côté dans la section lapidaire du château de Blois mais je n’en sais pas plus.
Jean Michel called my attention to these “strange flowers” on the market in Blois. Protea is both the botanical name and the English common name of a genus of about one hundred South African flowering plants that belong to the Proteaceae family. It’s certainly the first time I’ve seen them in France. Jean Michel a …
Comic armchairs – Bergères de bande dessinée
Comic armchairs for sale at the Brocante du Mail Saint-Jean secondhand fair held in Blois on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Bergères à vendre à la Brocante du Mail Saint-Jean qui se tient à Blois le 2ème dimanche de chaque mois.
Beauvoir Tower – Tour Beauvoir
The 12th century Beauvoir Tower belonged to a vassal of the Count of Blois before it was purchased to form part of the town ramparts which date from the 13th century. In the 15th century, the keep was reduced in height by one third. Rebuilt in 1970, the oldest prison in France (14th century) is …