Stately trees – Arbres majestueux

The cedar in front of Saint Vincent de Paul, formerly Saint Louis des Jésuites, is more than a hundred years old and its lower branches are held by steel cables. Le cèdre devant l’église Saint Vincent de Paul, anciennement Saint Louis des Jésuites, est plus que centenaire et les branches basses sont tenues par des câbles.

Spires of Saint Nicolas – Flèches de Saint Nicolas

The spires of Saint Nicolas, more recent than the rest of the church, were built in the 19th century by Louis Delton and Anatole de Baudot. Les flèches de l”église Saint Nicolas, plus récentes que le reste de l’église, sont construites au 19ème siècle par Louis Delton et Anatole de Baudot.   

Loire River before the storm – La Loire avant l'orage

Strange weather this year. Although it’s November 7, the temperature is 15°C. I took this photo from the car between our house in Les Grouets and Mitterand Bridge. Drôle de temps cette année. Bien qu’on soit le 7 novembre, il fait 15°C. J’ai pris cette photo depuis la voiture entre notre maison aux Grouets et …

Wood mushroom – Agaric des bois

The wood mushroom (Agaricus silvicola) is an edible mushroom. It is recognisable for its strong aniseed smell. The cap is light cream, then pick and gradually dark chocolate. We found it in the little wood behind our house. Excellent with fish. L’agaric des bois (Agaricus silvicola) également appelé agaric anisé est un bon comestible. On le …

November Theme Day for CDP – "heights"

We bought a very large ladder so that Jean Michel can climb up to the roof of our house, particularly to check the gutters. No way would I go up there!  I don’t have a head for heights. Not like the hornet nest destroyer who climbed up on the roof recently! Today is theme day …