Opus Spicatum

This is a typical blind wall in Sologne called opus spicatum, literally “spiked work”, consisting of bricks in a herringbone bone between and half-timbering. Unfortunately, many of the brick kilns in the area have now disappeared. Voici un mur aveugle solognot typique dit opus spicatum, c’est-à-dire, un appareil en épi et des briques en remplissage sur une maison à pans …

Mullion No More – Plus de meneau

You may remember a post about mullion windows recently in which I explained that, for tax reasons, people removed the mullions and transoms from the windows to pay less tax. This window on Hôtel de Villebresme in Blois would seem to be an excellent example. Vous vous rappelez peut-être d’un post concernant les fenêtres à meneaux dans …

First anniversary: Royal Stripes – Premier anniversaire: Rayures royales

I’ve actually overstepped the first anniversary of Blois Daily Photo which was  25th July. I can’t say I’ve never missed a day – in fact I’ve missed about ten – but it’s been a challenge finding a daily photo when I don’t live in Blois permanently and I try to respect the seasons. It started …

Chambord Grand Canal

We discovered a new view of Château de Chambord today while we were cycling. Wewere delighted when we found this view from the bridge at the end of the Grand Canal. Nous avons découvert une nouvelle vue du Château de Chambord aujourd’hui en faisant du vélo. Nous étions ravis de trouver cette vue depuis le pont …

Snails at dinner – Escargots à la fin du dîner

We were just finishing dinner al fresco when I spied these enormous snails (the shell was about three fingers wide) among the weeds after the rain. Nous étions à la fin de notre repas dans le jardin lorsque j’ai vu ces énormes escargots (la coquille mesurait environ trois doigts) parmi les mauvaises herbes après la pluie.

Doomed mullions – Des meneaux condamnés

Mullion windows (the ones at the top divided into four by a stone cross) appeared well before the 10th century and are typically seen in Renaissance buildings. I’ve just discovered that many French property owners destroyed their mullion windows after a new door and window tax was instigated in 1798 which was based on the number of …

The Little Town Hall – La Petite mairie

To tell you the truth, I can’t remember where this was taken, but it was in a little village on a bike route. I think it must be the perfect place to work! A vrai dire, je ne me rappelle pas où j’ai pris cette photo ; c’était dans un petit village sur un itinéraire de …