… open the doors and here's all the people

Well, not exactly all the people, but we did see a number of murals. When it was built in the late 11th century, the Church of Saint Martin de Crouy originally included a nave, a narrow chancel and an apse which was made into a sacristy n the 17th century. During the 16th century, the chapel was elevated …

Here's the church and here's the steeple – Clocher d'église fait battre le coeur

We came across this little church with its tall steeple as we were cycling from Muides to Chambord. Many churches in the area are dedicated to Saint Martin, who was born in about 316 and died in 397. The Saint Martin de Crouy church was built in the late 11th century. Above the door you can see a …

Hollyhocks after the storm – Roses trémières après l'orage

We had a very violent storm last night. Because of their great height, hollyhocks are often the first to suffer. This is what happened next door. The photo below shows our hollyhocks which I had fortunately taken the time to attach during the afternoon. Only a couple had fallen slightly to one side. Hier soir on …

Postcard from Germany: Weser Renaissance

Very different from Renaissance architecture in the Loire Valley, so-called Weser Renaissance architecture developed in northern Germany in the 16th and 17th centuries along the Weser River. An excellent example is the town hall in Hann. Münden. Typical features are elaborate decorative façades with front gables adorned with pyramids, scrolls, spheres, obelisks, intricate carvings, friezes with inscriptions …

Postcard from Germany: Sundial in a VIneyard – Cadran solaire dans un vignoble

Now this has to be the most original sundial I’ve seen yet – in the middle of the vineyards overlooking the Moselle River near Bernkastel-Kues. They were built in the 19th century so that the workers knew when to knock off for lunch or go home for the day! Ce cadran solaire doit être le …