Beyond the Wall – Par-dessus le mur

During our evening promenade in Les Grouets, our neighbourhood in Blois, we always pass this manor house with its turrent, probably built in the 18th century. I love the semi-circular shutters. Ce manoir avec sa tourelle, sans doute construit au 18è siècle se trouve sur notre promenade du soir aux Grouets, le quartier de Blois où …

Cherry blossoms on the Loire – Cerisiers en fleurs au bord de la Loire

This photo was taken from Vienne. You can see the cathedral on the right, Blois Castle in the middle, Gabriel Bridge and Saint Nicolas behind. Cette photo est prise depuis Vienne. On voit la cathédrale à droite, le château de Blois au milieu, le pont Gabriel et Saint Nicolas derrière.

The Lacy Roof – Le toit en dentelle

I think the lace bargeboard made of repoussé metal on this roof is quite extraordinary. The little half-timbered house is wedged in between two other very ordinary-looking houses and you have to really look closely to appreciate the beauty of this little roof. Thank you, Jean Michel. Je trouve extraordinaire la dentelle sur ce lambrequin …

The bell tower – Le clocher

I don’t know why this house in Rue Basse de Grouets has its own bell tower. It also has a very strange roof on the right cut out of the main roof which is made of slate. Je ne sais pas pourquoi cette maison dans la rue Basse des Grouets possède son propre clocher. Elle a un …

Saint Jacques Fountain – Fontaine Saint Jacques

It’s very easy to pass by the fountain on Place du Marché au Beurre without seeing it, because it’s on the original street level which has now been raised, and partially hidden by the terrace of the Saint Jacques Restaurant . It was given to the town by Louis XII under the somewhat uninventive name of “Neighbourhood Well …