Mediaeval Games – Jeux médiévaux

The owners of the Chanteloup Pagoda, have come up with an interesting way of amusing childrern and adults alike – a series of wooden mediaeval games, including skittles, hangman and several brainteasers. Les propriétaires de la pagode de Chanteloup ont trouvé une façon intéressante d’amuser enfants et adultes : une série de jeux en bois …

Chanteloup Pagoda – La pagode de Chanteloup

Built between 1775 and 1778 near Amboise, this surprising 44-metre high 6-story pagoda is all that is left of the famous château bought and extended by the Duc de Choiseul, Louis XV’s main minister  after he fell out of favour in 1770. We’ve been meaning to go for some time but it’s closed in winter. …