Château de Chaumont and its gardens never fail to bring me peace and serenity. Le château de Chaumont et ses jardins apportent toujours paix et tranquillité.
Tag Archives: château de Chaumont
Dahlia Love – Amour de dahlias
Today we cycled to Château de Chaumont and I couldn’t wait to see the dahlia beds. My favourite is still crème de cassis. My own dahlias, after succumbing to slugs when I replanted them are finally producing some flowers. Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés au château de Chaumont en vélo et j’avais hâte de voir les …
The Bower Bird – L’oiseau jardinier
You may remember a blue garden exhibit at Château de Chaumont inspired by the bower bird’s nest that I posted a few days ago. Chad Addison, an amateur photographer living in Canberra just happens to have a bower bird in his garden. Since retiring he has conducted various workshops as part of a U3A photography …
Mimetic Mosaic – Mosaïque mimétique
I really like this garden at the Château de Chaumont Garden Festival but I find the explanation somewhat pretentious. “This garden celebrates the extraordinary artistic perfection of plant fractals.” For those who are not familiar with the term fractal, it means any of various extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part …
Then the sun came out – Puis le soleil a brillé
Our yearly passes to Château de Chaumont have been waiting for us since New Year! But at last the grounds are open. The rhododendrons did not disappoint. Nos passes pour le château de Chaumont nous attendaient depuis le 1er janvier mais le parc est enfin ouvert. Les rhododendrons ne nous ont pas déçus.
Lockdown #2 Phase 2 – Day 2 – Reconfinement Phase 2 – Jour 2
As we drove past the entrance to Château de Chaumont today, we saw these wonderful flowers that Jean Michel was convinced were a floral arrangement but I was not so sure so we stopped on the way back to get a closer look. The second photo shows the secret. What a clever idea! En passant …
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Lockdown #2 Day 4 – Reconfinement Jour 4
This is in the dog cemetery at Chateau de Chaumont. As Covid19 figures rise in France – 46,290 new positive cases in 24 hours with a positivity rate of 20% and 231 hospital deaths – local non-essential businesses are pushing for re-opening on the grounds that they are safer than busy supermarkets. I would say …
The Black Pool – Le bassin noir
In just a few days, the garden festival at Château de Chaumont will be closed for the winter. We managed a visit late afternoon just after a shower of rain. Dans quelques jours, le festival des jardins à Chaumont-sur-Loire va fermer pour l’hiver. Nous sommes arrivés en fin d’après-midi juste après la pluie.
Roll-up Flower Beds – Parterres enroulés
At Château de Chaumont the gardeners were busy removing the ready-planted summer garden beds. I had no idea that such a system existed. It was fascinating. Au château de Chaumont les jardiniers étaient en train d’enlever les parterres d’été qu’ils achètent déjà plantés. Je n’avais aucune idée que ce système existait. C’était fascinant.
Catkins – Chatons
I had never seen pine tree catkins like these at Chateau de Chaumont before although I’m sure they must be everywhere. Je n’avais jamais vu des chatons de pin comme ceux-ci au château de Chaumont. Pourtant il doit en avoir partout.