Christmas Dresses – Robes de Noël

Just in case you thought I’d disappeared, I’m safe and sound. After we arrived in Boston, all my time and energy were devoted to my beautiful grandson. When we got back to Blois, having left half my heart behind, I suffered badly from jet lag for more than two weeks. I have been trying to …

Happy Christmas – Joyeux Noël

With so many restrictions on Christmas this year, especially the absence of my children, I have been feeling a little down but after seeing a Danish friend’s many meaningful decorations on FaceBook, I decided to go into the forest and collect what I needed for my Christmas door wreath which I usually make with my …

Santa at the Window – Père noël à la fenêtre

chirst I don’t remember seeing all these Santa Clauses climbing up the window when I was a child. The only Santa I ever saw was in David Jones department store in my home town of Townsville. Note the pun on the Krys Optician’s window! Je n’ai pas le souvenir d’avoir vu un tas de pères …

The Official Bakery of Father Christmas – La boulangerie officielle du père-noël

Now, this one is a mystery. What on earth could be the signficance of this official bakery of Father Christmas in Blois? En voilà un mystère ! Que pourrait bien être la signification de cette boulangerie officielle du père-noël à Blois ?