Wisteria – Glycines

When we left home today to cycle to Château de Chaumont (it’s been too cold up until now for much cycling), I was so enamoured of our wisteria that I decided that I would take photos of any other wisteria we passed on the cycle path. The results are below. Which is your favourite? Lorsque …

Vibrant Viburnum – Laurier tin en beauté

When we drastically cut back our viburnum this summer at Closerie Falaiseau, we were a little worried about the result as they hadn’t flowered much the winter before but as you can see, there was no need for concern. Lorsque nous avons sévèrement taillé nos lauriers tin cet été à Closerie Falaiseau, nous n’étions pas très surs du résultat car …

Autumn from my window – L'autonne depuis ma fenêtre

We’re home from our travels and autumn is everywhere. This is the view from my office window at Closerie Falaiseau in Blois. Nous sommes de retour de vacances et l’automne nous entoure. Voici la vue de la fenêtre de mon bureau à Closerie Falaiseau. à Blois

Tour of Les Grouets – Visite des Grouëts

You may remember a photo in June of four young explorers who were preparing a visit of our neighbourhood in Blois, Les Grouets. On Friday, I heard a lot of noise outside the gate so went to see what was going on. About twenty people were touring Les Grouets, so I invited them in so that they could …

Hollyhocks & Roses – Roses trémières et Pierre de Ronsard

We arrived back in Blois today to see that all our hollyhocks were in bloom – and had the pleasant surprise to see that our Pierre de Ronsard roses had bloomed a second time. La première chose que nous avons vu en rentrant à Blois aujourd’hui étaient nos roses trémières. Nous avons eu la bonne …

Lilac from our steps – Lilas depuis notre perron

Lilac is the next to bloom after wisteria. We don’t have a lavendar lilac bush at Closerie Falaiseau, only a white one, but we can see this one from our front steps. Le lilas fleurit tout de suite après la glycine. Nous n’avons pas de lilas mauve chez nous à Closerie Falaiseau seulement un lilas …