Easter Sunday – Dimanche de Pâques

We happened to be in Cour Cheverny just before Mass came out. Note the number of men as opposed to women. It’s traditional in France for the women to go to church while the men go to the local café! On s’est trouvé par hasard à Cour Cheverny juste avant la sortie de la messe. …

Courtyard lunch – Déjeuner dans la cour

Who wouldn’t want to have lunch here on a beautiful June day? Lion d’Or in Romorantin in Sologne. We appropriately had an excellent cour cheverny made with romorantin grapes imported here by François I from Burgundy in 1519. Qui ne voudrait pas déjeuner ici une belle journée de juin? Le Lion d’or à Romorantin en …