Postcard Summer 2020 #13 Grüß gott country

It’s our last day in southern Bavaria. We have cycled past this dairy farm every day as it is just round the corner from our apartment. We went to another lake, Weißensee, and enjoyed more beautiful countryside, and even crossed the border into Austria. The last photo shows an interesting Covid solution inside a restaurant. …

Postcard Summer 2020 #12 – Forggensee

Jean Michel and I are unanimous – this is the best day of cycling we have ever experienced. Four years ago we rode around the Forggensee and found it spectacular but it was cloudy in the morning. Today it was cool – we started out at 12 degrees and finished at 18 degrees – but …

Postcard Summer 2020 #11 Schwangau & Füssen

Schwangau is known for Neuschwanstein Castle, a 19th century hilltop palace for King Ludwig II. We cycled up to the top and over the next steep hill before descending to Füssen for a well-deserved lunch. Schwangau est connue pour le château de Neuschwanstein, un palais haut perché construit pour le roi Ludwig II. Nous sommes …

Postcard from Germany – Geese Crossing

We had just cycled across the little Baroque bridge of Grünbach near Gerlachsheim today when I saw these geese timidly cross the road. Nous venions de traversé le petit pont baroque de Grünbach près de Gerlachsheim en vélo aujourd’hui lorsque j’ai vu ces oies traverser la route bien timidement.