CDP Theme Day – Swanning Down the Loire

I thought  this swan on the Loire was perfect for this month’s theme of “movement” and also to announce a change of name from Blois Daily Photo to Loire Daily Photo to correspond better to my life in this part of France! For other entries in City Daily Photo, click here. Je trouve que ce cygne …

Royal Weather Vanes on triangles – Girouettes royales sur triangles

Royal roof surmonted by magnificent ornamental weather vanes on top of the Louis XII staircase in Blois Castle which date from the early 16th century. At this height, they mustn’t get much maintenance. This post is our contribution to City Daily Photo Theme Day. To see other interpretations of the theme “triangle” from across the …

Royal Coaching Inn – Relais de poste royal

The hamlet of Nozieux next to Saint Claude de Diray is on the old highway from Blois to Orleans which explains the presence of this Royal Coaching Inn or Post House. Le hameau de Nozieux à côté de Saint Claude de Diray se situait sur l’ancienne route de Blois à Orléans, pour preuve la présence …

Gabarre de Loire à Saumur

A solar panel hardly seems appropriate on this beautiful traditional flat-bottomed boat on the confluence of the Thouet and the Loire. Photo taken from the Loire à vélo cycle path. Le panneau solaire ne permet pas de s’y croire mais belle gabarre traditionnelle située sur la confluence du Thouet et de la Loire. Photo prise depuis …

Saint Etienne – Cheverny

The lovely little 12th century church of Saint Etienne is just opposite the entrance to Château de Cheverny. It’s surrounded by a timber gallery forming a porch where you can see the coat of arms of the Hurault family who owns the château. La jolie petite église de Saint-Étienne se trouve en face de l’entrée du …

Hot Air Balloons over the Loire – Mongolfières sur la Loire

Ballooning is very popular in the Loire Valley. What a wonderful way to see the famous châteaux! This photo was taken late afternoon, opposite Chaumont, which is a 15 minute drive from Blois. Les mongolfières sont très répandues dans la vallée de la Loire. Quelle façon merveilleuse de voir les célèbres châteaux ! Cette photo …

Sunset in Summer – Coucher de soleil en été

This photo is taken from the Vienne side of the Loire looking across at Blois and the Church of Saint Nicolas, the city’s most interesting church, built in the 12th and 13th centuries, and a combination of Romanesque and Gothic. Cette photo de Blois est prise du côté Vienne de la Loire avec l’église de Saint …

Hollyhocks in Les Grouets – Roses trémières aux Grouets

I love the long rows of hollyhocks that line country roads in the summer. Although they are sturdy, they need to be attached as they get taller or they will be flattened during heavy rain. This photo is taken in the neighbourhood known as Les Grouets. J’adore les longues rangées de roses trémières qui bordent …