Helvella Crispa – Helvelle crépue

On Friday, we found quite a lot of these mushrooms which we had never seen before. Helvella crispa, also known as the white saddle, elfin saddle or common helvel, is found near deciduous trees in summer and autumn. It was initially believed to be edible but in fact it may contain monomethylhydrazine, which can cause …

Lockdown #2 Phase 2 – Day 1 – Reconfinement Phase 2 – Jour 1

So we made the most of our new freedom – 3 hours and a radius of 20 k for physical activity – to go mushroom foraging in the forest. During the first half hour we only saw a few inedible russulae then suddenly we came across the most enormous hedgehog mushrooms in an area where …

Lockdown #2 Day 14 – Reconfinement Jour 14

Isn’t this the prettiest mushroom? Not edible of course. Our lockdown is to continue without any changes for another 2 weeks. If the number of patients admitted to hospital has diminished sufficiently by 1st December, shops selling non-essential items will reopen with strict protocols, but not bars and restaurants. Quel joli champignon n’est-ce pas? Mais …

The Mushroom Tree – L'arbre aux champignons

We’ve been seeing mushrooms on the market for the past month during our travels in Northern and Easter Europe but today was the first day we were able to go mushroom picking since the season began. These mushrooms aren’t edible but I think they’re very decorative. Nous avons vu des champignons sur le marché pendant notre voyage …

Skidding – Débardage

Skidding is the operation in which logs are transported from the cutting site to a temporary site where they are loaded onto trucks and sent to the mill. We saw this skidder in the wood where we go mushroom picking. Le débardage est la première opération après la coupe forestière; Elle consiste à transporter des arbres abattus vers le lieu de …

Wood mushroom – Agaric des bois

The wood mushroom (Agaricus silvicola) is an edible mushroom. It is recognisable for its strong aniseed smell. The cap is light cream, then pick and gradually dark chocolate. We found it in the little wood behind our house. Excellent with fish. L’agaric des bois (Agaricus silvicola) également appelé agaric anisé est un bon comestible. On le …