Noizay Local School – Ecole Communale de Noizay

This is the local primary and pre-school in Noizay, 10 km from Amboise, on the road to Tours. It has a population of about 1200 inhabitants. The school has four classes totalling about 100 children, from ages 3 to 9. The town hall, much less impressive, is on the other size. Voici l’école primaire de Noizay, à …

The Wayfarers' Hut – L'asile des voyagers

On 17th May 1882, the Noizay municipal council built a small hut to provide shelter for the night to “destitute wayfarers, labourers and homeless souls” passing through the village. A salary was paid to the person in charge of cleaning the hut built along the walls of the château de Noizay. Subsequently,the “garde champêtre”, a sort of …