An Outdoor Treat – Une gourmandise en terrasse

Today we planned to return to the Garden Festival at Château de Chaumont but when we saw the number of cars in the parking lot we decided to go for a walk in the village of Thenay instead. After our walk, We had our first outdoor table experience since October – house-made ice-cream and cider …

We needed a rainbow – On avait besoin d’un arc en ciel

It rained on and off all day but I managed to plant quite a lot of my baby plants. The Covid death rate in France was up again to 111 today. Germany was 17 yesterday and 15 today. Definitely a good holiday destination. Il a plu par à coups toute la journée aujourd’hui mais j’ai …

Green Giants – Géants verts

Every time I walk past these giant leaves in the grounds of Chateau de Chaumont I’m amazed. They look as though they are in the wrong place. After posting every day for three months about Covid19 I need to widen my horizons. Now that the European borders are open we are planning our next cycling …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#13 End

Today I felt almost like my usual self. We walked for an hour in the gardens of Chateau de Chaumont and came home and gardened for a while. This evening President Macron announced the end of lockdown for France with European borders open as of tomorrow and all primary and middle schools resuming totally on …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#12

These are all the baby plants in one of my cold frames waiting for me to be on deck again after my flu! Jean Michel went to the fresh produce market by himself this morning and noticed that social distancing seems to have been abandoned with only about fifty percent of people wearing masks. However …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#11

When we first bought our house eight years ago the first thing we planted were four raspberry bushes, to produce fruit in June, July, August and September, as raspberries are my favourite fruit after mangoes. These are the September ones but we didn’t eat them the first year because we didn’t realise this is their …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#10

I’m feeling much better today, although not very energetic. But itching to get out in the garden today. Lots of planting to do still! Only 27 Covid deaths in the last 24 hours in France. Maybe we can still stay below 30,000. The situation in the US is not very positive though. Je me sens …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#9

I had my nasal Covid test today at the lab at the Polyclinique private hospital. I didn’t manage to get an appointment at the general hospital. It was not much fun and hurt a bit like when you accidentally get water in your nose when swimming but it was quick. I was sorry for the …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#8

I’m having my Covid19 test tomorrow afternoon with results back in 48 hours maximum but apart from a tightness around the chest I’m feeling much better. Only 1% of people tested in our region last week tested positive. There were 87 new deaths in France and the number of patients in intensive care has dropped …