Today we cycled to Château de Chaumont and I couldn’t wait to see the dahlia beds. My favourite is still crème de cassis. My own dahlias, after succumbing to slugs when I replanted them are finally producing some flowers. Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés au château de Chaumont en vélo et j’avais hâte de voir les …
Tag Archives: remarkable gardens
Postcard from Italy – Verbania
We had a wonderful surprise today when we crossed Lake Maggiore from Laveno to Intra – the beautiful Villa Taranto gardens established in 1928. Nous avons eu une surprise merveilleuse aujourd’hui lorsque nous avons traversé le la Maggiore entre Laveno et Intra: les beaux jardins de la Villa Taranto établis en 1928.
Dharitri : The Garden of Mother Earth – Le jardin de la terre mère
Another Chaumont Garden. In the Hindu religion, Dharitri is one of the names of the goddess Parvati, considered to be the First Supreme Energy. It means Mother Earth. She has the power to give birth to any form of life and nourish it. Encore un jardin à Chaumont. Dans la religion hindoue, Dharitri est l’un …
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