Salamander Fireplace – Cheminée salamandre

Here is another magnificent Renaissance fireplace from Blois Royal Castle restored in the 19th century with a painted decor created by the architect Félix Duban. Like the main fireplace, the mantel carries François I’s emblematic salamander. You may remember that another fireplace represents Henri II and Catherine de Medicis. Voici une autre cheminée dans le …

Fireplace at Chambord – Cheminée à Chambord

Château de Chambord, designed as a hunting lodge by François I in 1519, has more than 300 fireplaces which are much less decorative than those of Blois Castle. Despite their dimensions, they were hard put to heat the enormous rooms Le château de Chambord, conçu comme résidence de chasse par François I à partir de …

The main fireplace in Blois Castle – La cheminée du salon d'honneur au château de Blois

One of the magnificent fireplaces in Blois Royal Castle whose wonderfully preserved decor, sculpted between1515 and 1520 is strikingly highlighted by the painted decor created by the architect Félix Duban in the 19th century, totally in keeping with the spirit of the Renaissance. In the middle of the mantel, you can see François I’s emblematic salamander. Une …