Back on our Bikes – De nouveau sur nos vélos

The weather was beautiful on Saturday, sunny with a maximum of 25°C so went went on our favourite bike ride from Blois to Chambord via Saint Dyé sur Loire where one of the traditional flat-bottomed boats was reflected perfectly in the water. Il faisait un temps splendide samedi : ensoleillé avec un maxmimum de 25°C. …

Back on our Bikes at Last – Du vélo enfin!

Today, the temperature was finally high enough (19°C) to go cycling again after a 5-month break. The flat-bottom boats were waiting for us at Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire. Aujourd’hui la température était enfin suffisante (19°C) pour faire du vélo après 5 mois d’arrêt. Les gabarres nous attendaient à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire.

Pink Roses and a Blue Door – Des roses roses et une porte bleue

Yesterday, I posted a photo of a door on the bike path from Saint Dyé-sur-Loire to Chambord. This photo was taken in the little street leading through the first doorway.The twisted trunk on the right is wisteria. Hier j’ai publié la photo d’une porte sur la piste cyclable entre Saint Dyé-sur-Loire et Chambord. La photo d’uajourd’hui est prise …

An Inviting Bike Path – Une piste cyclable très tentante

The bike path from Saint Dyé sur Loire to Chambord goes along a little street lined with flowers, then through a first doorway, underneath an archway and into a small public garden before coming out through this second door. La piste cyclable qui mène de Saint Dyé sur Loire à Chambord passe dans une petite rue …

La Caravelle

This beautiful insignia in Saint Dyé sur Loire  is a caravel (the house is named La Caravelle), a small, highly manoeuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and the Atlantic Ocean. A gently sloping bow and single stern castle were prominent features and it generally had several masts with …

Two arches in Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire – Deux arches à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire

Like many villages, Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire has lots of nooks and crannies. As you wander around you’ll see many arches such as this one with an inviting bench on the other side. Comme beaucoup de villages, il y a des coins et recoins à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire. Il suffit de vous promener et de passer sous des arches comme celle-ci pour …