Not quite so grey today, but just look at those lovely daffodils and snowdrops. Thank you to Monique and Jacky, the previous owners of our lovely 400-year-old house, for planting this wonderful carpet. Moins de gris aujourd’hui mais regardez donc ces beaux jonquilles et perce-neiges. Un grand merci à Monique et Jacky, les anciens propriétaires de …
Tag Archives: snowdrops
CDP Theme Day – Loving Life
I come from North Queensland in Australia and only knew about snowdrops from books until I went to live in France. When they appear in the little wood behind our 400-year old house in Blois, it’s like a rebirth after the winter and one of the reasons why I love my life in France! The photos below …
First Snow Drop – Premier perce-neige
Today is the first official day of winter and we already have snowdrops – but no snow! Last year, the first snowdrops were on 13th January. Aujourd’hui c’est le premier jour d’hiver et nous avons déjà des perce-neige – mais pas de neige ! L’année dernière, les premiers perce-neige sont sortis le 13 janvier.
Carpet of snow drops – Tapis de perce-neige
In January, I posted a photo of the first snowdrops. Now there is a whole carpet of them in our little wood. En janvier, j’avais posté une photo des premiers perce-neige. Maintenant, c’est un vrai tapis dans notre petit bois.
First Snowdrops – Premiers perce-neiges
These are the first snowdrops in our little wood though there has been no snow this year. Voici les premiers perce-neiges dans notre petit bois même s’il n’a pas encore neigé cette année.