Daisies Everywhere – Des marguerites partout

The north wind was replaced by a more pleasant west wind so we were able to go cycling. I always love the way daisies pop up everywhere in the spring. Comme le vent du nord a été remplacé par un vent de l’ouest plus agréable aujourd’hui nous avons fait du vélo. Je trouve toujours amusant …

Wild Periwinkles – Pervenches sauvages

When I read English novels as a teenager growing up in tropical Queensland, decades before the Internet, I had no idea what most of the flowers the authors talked about even looked like. Coming across a carpet of periwinkles in the woods is always a source of amazement to me. The name comes from the …

Yellow & Pink – Jaune & Rose

I love the way new spring flowers replace the ones before as time goes by. The daffodils in the background are starting to decline as the Japonica and forsythia come into full bloom. J’aime que de nouvelles fleurs de printemps remplacent celles d’avant au fur et à mesure que les jours passent. Les jonquilles à …

Spring Ducks – Canards au printemps

When we were in lockdown last year (nearly the one-year anniversary), we went for our one-hour walk every day. Now that the only real restriction on movement is a 6 pm curfew, we are not nearly as assiduous about exercise. Yesterday we spent most of the afternoon running around building material suppliers choosing paving stones …

This Year’s Daffodils – Les jonquilles de cette année

Every year around this time since 2014, with the exception of last year for some reason, I post a photo of the daffodils in our little wood. They are still mixed up with the snowdrops and will be with us for another three weeks or so. We can see them from the picture window in …